Numerous ancient inscriptions can be found in ancient Jerash. These "inscriptions" provide information about the course of history and the purpose of buildings. Such an engraving made it possible to ...
The south gate of Jerash in Jordan is estimated to be around AD 129. The magnificent city gate resembles the triumphal arch built later.
The North Gate was built around 115 AD. It stood on the road that led from ancient Jerash, then called Gerasa, to Pella. The Collonaded Street of the Cardo Maximus leads…
The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian was built in Jerash around 530 AD. It impresses with well-preserved mosaic floors.
In addition to imposing Roman buildings, there are late antique churches in Jerash with a mosaic floor from the 5th century AD.
- Roman city of Jerash
Early Christian Churches: Theodore Church of Jerash in Jordan
Author Magazine.TravelThis three-aisled basilica of ancient Jerash dates from the 5th century and was dedicated to “the victorious Theodore; Immortal Martyr”. This information can be found in the entrance area, which has numerous...