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Fantastic glacier front Monacobreen, Spitsbergen

Glaciers • Drift ice • Seabirds

Author Magazine.Travel
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Arctic – Svalbard Archipelago

Main island of Svalbard

Monacobreen glacier

The Arctic glacier Monacobreen is located on the northwest coast of the Main island of Svalbard and belongs to the Northwest Spitsbergen National Park. It was named after Prince Albert I of Monaco because he led the expedition that mapped the glacier in 1906.

Monacobreen is around 40 kilometers long, calves into the Liefdefjord and, together with the smaller glacier Seligerbreen, forms a glacier front approximately 5 kilometers long. Tourists taking a Svalbard cruise can enjoy the picture-perfect panorama as they take a zodiac ride in front of the escarpment.

Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) Arctic Terns and Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) Kittiwakes at Monaco Glacier Spitsbergen Monacobreen Svalbard Cruise

Arctic terns and kittiwakes sometimes fly in large flocks in front of the icy edge of the Monacobreen glacier.

Sea Spirit Glacier Cruise - Panorama Spitsbergen Glacier - Monacobreen Svalbard Expedition Cruise

As a so-called tidewater glacier, Monacobreen produces large and small icebergs. It's fascinating to navigate through the drifting ice in a zodiac, watch seabirds and look up at the glacier. Kittiwakes and Arctic terns in particular like to sit on the icebergs in the fjord and in summer large flocks of birds sometimes fly in front of the glacier front. Sometimes a seal can be seen and with a bit of luck you can even witness the impressive calving of the glacier.

The AGE™ experience report "Spitsbergen Cruise: Midnight Sun & Calving Glaciers" takes you on a journey: Immerse yourself in the icy wonderland of the glaciers of Spitsbergen and experience with us how a huge piece of ice falls into the sea and unleashes the power of nature.

Our Svalbard travel guide will take you on a tour of the various attractions, sights and wildlife viewing.

The Fjord end of Julybreen is another glacier in Svalbard that also offers puffins nearby.
Tourists can also discover Spitsbergen with an expedition ship, for example with the Sea Spirit.
Explore the Arctic islands of Svalbard with the AGE™ Svalbard Travel Guide.

Svalbard travel guideSvalbard cruise • Spitsbergen Island • Monacobreen Glacier • Experience report

Information about the namesake Prince Albert I of Monaco

Prince Albert I of Monaco (1848 – 1922) was head of state, but also an important marine explorer and polar explorer.

Among other things, Prince Albert I led and financed four scientific expeditions to Svalbard: in 1898, 1899, 1906 and 1907 he invited scientists to his yacht to explore the High Arctic. They collected oceanographic, topographical, geological, biological and meteorological data.

In recognition of his scientific contributions and his support of polar research, the Monacobreen glacier was named after him. His research work contributed significantly to expanding knowledge about the polar world.

Even today, Monacobreen is the subject of scientific studies, for example regarding climate change. Documenting glacier size and structure is of great importance.

Albert I Monaco 1910 - Albert Honoré Charles Grimaldi - Prince of Monaco

Albert I Monaco 1910 – Albert Honoré Charles Grimaldi – Prince of Monaco (Royalty Free Photo)

Svalbard travel guideSvalbard cruise • Spitsbergen Island • Monacobreen Glacier • Experience report

Maps route planner Monacobreen Liefdefjorden SpitsbergenWhere is the Monacobreen on Svalbard? Svalbard map
Temperature Weather Monacobreen Liefdefjorden Spitsbergen Svalbard What is the weather like at the Monacobreen in Svalbard?

Svalbard travel guideSvalbard cruise • Spitsbergen Island • Monacobreen Glacier • Experience report

Copyrights and Copyright
Texts and photos are protected by copyright. The copyright of this article in words and images lies entirely with AGE™. All rights remain reserved. Exception: The photograph of Albert I of Monaco is in the public domain because it contains material created by an employee of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the course of his official work. Content will be licensed for print/online media upon request.
If the content of this article does not match your personal experience, we assume no liability. The contents of the article have been carefully researched and are based on personal experience. However, if information is misleading or incorrect, we assume no liability. Furthermore, circumstances can change. AGE™ does not guarantee topicality or completeness.
Source reference for text research
Information boards on site, information through Poseidon Expeditions or on the Cruise ship Sea Spirit as well as personal experiences visiting the Monacobreen Glacier (Monaco Glacier) on 20.07.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX.

Sitwell, Nigel (2018): Svalbard Explorer. Visitor's Map of Svalbard Archipelago (Norway), Ocean Explorer Maps

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